Golf carts are versatile vehicles that you can use for work and recreation. You can use your model to carry your golfing gear from one hole to the next on a golf course or take your family around the neighborhood—the choice is yours.

However, you might want to customize your golf cart first to make it more suited to your adventures. Use the simple upgrades and accessories discussed in this guide to improve your model’s performance and boost its safety and comfort.

Steering Wheel

If you want an easier-to-handle steering wheel for your golf cart, change your factory-issued model to one with a better and smoother grip. You can choose a material you think you will be more comfortable using and get it installed by a professional mechanic.

Seat Covers

Due to the constant exposure to sunlight, your golf cart’s seat covers can start to fade or get torn. This can make your vehicle appear unsightly, and the seats will be uncomfortable, too.

But replacing the seats can mean making a hefty investment, and you might want to avoid doing that. We suggest you invest in colorful covers to help conceal the cracks, offer some protection to the seats, and boost your comfort.

Brush Guards

Installing brush guards can help extend the lifespan of your golf vehicle and keep it safe from debris and ugly scratches and dents. These handy upgrades resemble a reinforced bumper or a cage, which you can conveniently attach to the hood of your golf cart before embarking on your next outing. The accessory will protect your vehicle and give you the peace of mind you need to enjoy your trip.

We hope this guide helps you choose the right accessories for your golf cart. If you need more advice or help to install any upgrades on your vehicle, contact Carts Gone Wild. We proudly serve Haubstadt, Evansville, and Indianapolis, so stop by today.